
Welcome to Ebernoe Parish Website - we are working hard to make this website more accessible. Please contact Helen Scott, Parish Clerk ( Clerk@ebernoeparish.co.uk) should you have any difficulty in accessing information from this website.

Click on menu button above to find out more on specific topics....

Please view new/revised policies - see privacy - policies and procedures, in menu bar above.

The minutes for the Annual parish meeting and the Parish meeting 21st May 2024 are now available to download from menu bar above. Click on minutes and agendas then annual parish meeting May 2023, 

The next parish council meeting will be held on Tuesday 20th August 2024  the agenda will be available to view in early August via  menu above - Ebernoe Parish-  minutes and agendas. 

The Annual Audit 2023-24 is complete. All Audit papers are available to view. Click Financial on menu bar above and select Notice of Public Rights and click on completed audit. All information available for public viewing from 3rd June 2024 - 12th July 2024. Contact the Clerk for further details or access public notices see completed Audit 2023-2024 above.

The Book.a.Bus service is operational in our area - contact westsussex.gov.uk/book-a-bus or 01243 858854. 

Do you need extra support in a power cut?

Do you live with a chronic illness, care for young children or someone with dementia or have communication needs?

If so you can register with Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN)  Priority Services Register (PSR)  It is free to join and you can be provided with:

  • regular updates
  • safety advice
  • communication in large print, braille, alternative languages or BSL
  • Dedicated 24 hour helpline

   Call 0800 294 3259 or visit thepsr.co.uk

Defibrillators - There are two defibrillators in the parish - 

The Stag on the wall to the left of ladies toilet door

Cricket Pavilion at the rear of the pavilion

They do not need codes or passwords just follow the commentary if  you need to use either of them. Special thanks to Councillor Sue Nyfield who masterminded their provision and ensures they are fully maintained. They have recently been serviced and linked to emergency the services.

WSCC School Admissions -www.westsussex.gov.uk/schooladmissions2024-2025- also see menu bar above 

Are you interested in Solar panels for your home - if so click on West Sussex on menu above for more information...

CORONAVIRUS and council services - for information see coronavirus page via menu bar above. Use this government link to find out latest  https://bit.ly/CV19FAQS

For latest information from WSCC Rights of Way please see WSCC on menu bar above aContact details for County and District

Contact details for County and District Councillors can be found in menu bar above.

What If project - WSCC has provided emergency equipment for the parish council. This is held at two sites - Scammells Garage - Balls Cross area and Simmonds Saws for Colhook area. Please see What if page via menu bar for emergency equipment inventories. 

What exactly does the parish do - comments from Chairman, Mrs Ann Tyrrell, - see Administration page 

Data Protection Act  - see Privacy section in Ebernoe Parish pages. 

Ebernoe is a hamlet and civil parish in the district of Chichester in West Sussex located six kilometres (4 miles) north of Petworth near the A283 road.

The parish has a land area of 1239 hectares (3060 acres). In the 2011 census 213 people lived in the Ebernoe.

Please contact Parish Clerk, Helen Scott at email: Clerk@ebernoeparish.co.uk for further information on any of the above. 




wild orchids Ebernoe Common May 2022

what a rainbow

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